Please can someone tell me if (and how) I might be able to get the modes to be listed in /list again, without just rolling back the update or having to do something like request room modes for a channel from ChanServ before entering. Regular users, I know, wouldn't be able to see/enter these rooms anyway but its a pain for admins who can walk these channel modes. Having the modes listed in the 'Channels List' was useful for us to avoid entering +s/k/i//p/l moded channels without being invited. Fixed switchbar/treebar display bug that caused windows to be displ. It includes improvements, changes and fixes to a number of features, including: Added STARTTLS support using the CAP tls protocol. I can understand that for most regular users, this isn't an issue, but I operate my own site and myself and the admins all use mIRC. This is a small update that addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. I was expecting this, as this change in behavior was detailed in the 7.38 changelog, however, I don't see a way to turn the inclusion of modes back on again. 5.Fixed channels list display bug when list reply includes channel modes.

Since the upgrade to 7.38, the 'Channels List' obtained from /list is no longer showing channel modes. On 7.38 there is an fix for Channel modes on /list to not anymore display them. Fixed timezone/daylight savings bug that was affecting timestamping and time/date identifiers. Added Shift-F3 key support in Scripts Editor to search backwards through text. Fixed switchbar/treebar display bug that caused windows to be displayed in the wrong order.

Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated. mIRC 7.38 Change Log Added STARTTLS support using the CAP tls protocol. I've searched the forum and unless I'm missing it somewhere, I don't see any answers to this question. We dont have any change log information yet for version 7.38 of mIRC.